NCS offers inspection services on all types of structures and materials.
There are 3 classes of inspection, and we can adapt these to suit your needs.
Class I
Class I inspections are primarily visual inspections. These visual inspections usually take place on the exterior while the unit is online.
The visual inspection can be performed with binoculars if inspection area is not easily accessible, but an up-close inspection is preferred.
Class I inspections are recommended to be conducted every 6-24 months. This is the bare minimum of documentation of stack conditions.
Class II
Class II inspections include all criteria of a Class I, but with much more detailed focus.
Class II inspections require that the chimney/stack be offline. Interior and exterior drop(s) will be conducted, on as many quadrants as any stack/client requires, but two drops are the norm.
Non-Destructive Testing will be conducted at 5’-10’ intervals for any composition of stack design, ranging from metal thickness, concrete compressive strength, and fiberglass hardness testing.
A more hands on visual inspection and evaluation of all appurtenances, such as: lightning protection systems, access ladders and platforms, condition of test ports, obstruction lights, etc.
This class inspection is intended to build data, of which to measure the degradation of the structure.
Class II inspections are the most common and practical inspections, and should be performed every 2-3 years.
Class III
Class III inspections are not routine. Class III inspections are conducted when significant degradation of the structure occurs, or if the structure experiences an unusual event such as: earthquake, tornado, explosion or impact, fire or overheating, or after any modifications from original design.